Don't forget your Prozac, Mommy!

Balancing family and insanity since 1998. Unsuccessfully.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rain, snow, sleet or hail...

There are so many things in our government that really piss me off. But today, I am particularly pissed at one specific branch.

The United States Post Office.

And to narrow it down further...My Mail Carrier.

I believe she hates me. And apparently, she is a saint at our local main branch. She has been losing our mail for years. However, when we report it they say "Ohhh, no. She's been with us for years. Maybe a substitute carrier lost your mail...but not her!" WTF? I have been STANDING at the mail box and she will put my mail in my neighbor's box. I promise! My neighbor's deliever my mail on a weekly basis!

Up until now, it has always been letters, junk mail, semi-unimportant things that have been "misplaced". But on Monday she finally proved her hatred of me. She lost a Christmas package. A $50 Wii game to be exact. So I reported it. Wanna guess what they told me? Yep. "She said she put it on your porch. Someone must have stolen it." Although, I had 3 packages on the porch on Monday, neither of them was this particular package. And the 3 packages that were actually delievered show that they were delievered at 3:15 pm. And that's exactly right, because I heard her on the porch and went out as she was getting back into her delievery truck. I picked up the 3 packages that were delievered at 3:15 pm at about 3:16 pm.

Mysteriously, the missing package was scanned at 8:36 am. The post office's excuse for this? "Sometimes, if we are short handed we have to pass off parts of the city to another carrier." Huh? But didn't she say that SHE put the package on my porch?


End of story? It's my word against hers. And she is right, of course! Someone walked onto my porch somewhere between the time of 3:15 pm and 3:16 pm (they passed her on the sidewalk) and stole my package. Not all of my packages, oh no! Just the one.

Sooo...Congratulations, to my neighbor who received the FREE wii game, on me!!! (Or, of course, to the Invisible Man who stole it). Merry Christmas, asshole! (And that goes double to you, my dear Almighty Postal Carrier friend!)

Wii are screwed =(

Zayden really REALLY did it this time! I mean...this little shit destroys things ALL day EVERY day but this time he has totally outdone himself. Because usually when he destroys something its just THAT something that is destroyed. But this time...He has destroyed CHRISTMAS!

Well, of course I'm overreacting a little bit. But that's all...just a little bit!

Because what he has done is really bad.

Are you sure you're ready for this?

Really? Are you sure?


Oh? That doesn't seem that bad to you?

What if I told you that almost everything we bought the kids for Christmas was for the Wii? What if I told you that I spent alot of money on those gifts? So much money, in fact, that there is none left. So even I were the luckiest person on earth (which, I'm clearly not!) and could actually find a Wii a week before Christmas, I wouldn't be fortunate enough to purchase it!

So now, my poor unexpecting children have everything that their Letters to Santa requested (because Santa and I went out of our way to ensure a most perfect, memorable Christmas for them) but it was all in vain.

Someone, please show me the good in this. Yeah. Because I'm really trying. But this is horrible =(